7th Anniversary Celebration of Local Guides Bangla -2024

Hello! Local Guides,

It’s time to celebrate the 7th anniversary of Local Guides Bangla! Local Guides Bangla and we together passed 7 great years of Mapping and sharing our stories ! Let’s meet to say again “Happy Anniversary Local Guides Bangla”.

Local Guides Bangla is an unofficial community established with some unofficially supported local guides community in Bangladesh! Together we organised almost 80+ Local Guides MeetUps!!!

We have a lot of memories with this community and fellow local guides! So on this anniversary, we are very excited to celebrate it with our fellows and friends . It will be an indoor event with some local guides experience sharing and sharing inspiring stories. We hope it will be a memorable celebration!Local Guides who want to join in this event must complete a registration process.

There are no EXTRA requirements and regulations for passing registration! You just have to be a LOCAL GUIDE for the COMMUNITY!!!

Just make sure you will do your registration to attend in the event and lock your seat immediately!!! Hurry Local guides!!!

Here is the link -Registration Link for 7th Anniversary




It’s been seven years, how fast time really flies. It’s time to celebrate 7 years. Wherever I am in Bangladesh I will participate in this meetup inshallah. Hope something great is going to happen. Best wishes @ShakilAK Bhai for the 7th Anniversary Celebration of Local Guides Bangla hosted by you.


Dear @ShakilAK Bhai, Thank you for arranging such a wonderful meet-up. Undoubtedly, this event is going to be amazing.


@ShakilAK Thanks for the big announcement! I am so excited about this event.

Happy Guiding!


@ShakilAK hope it will be a great meet up. Wish I will join.


@ShakilAK va hacer un gran encuentro de la comunidad. saludos


Thank you so much Bhai for announcement

আমি কিন্তু কনফার্ম মিল পেয়ে গেছি, আপনার কি পেয়েছেন।

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খুব চমৎকার আয়োজন ছিল। ভাই । থাঙ্ক ইউ