The 4th of February 2023 marks the 75th year since Sri Lanka won its independence from British Colonizers. Yes, It’s a day we should proudly celebrate for centuries to come. However, we also should make sure not to allow any new invaders to occupy our country. Three years ago, I started my Independence day 2022 post in a very similar manner. Three years ago we told how Sri Lanka local guides launched a fight against plastic invaders who started occupying our beautiful beaches. Three years into the battle, we are gaining ground, slowly but surely.
In 2023 begin to notice a new invader. it’s not on our beaches, it is invading our atmosphere. It is chasing away our friend O2 in our atmosphere and utilizing more and more space. This is the evil CO2 and His nasty Green House Gas team .
As Sri Lanka local guides we can’t look away just because we are battling against plastic invaders. We should stop this new threat as well. We need to bring heavy weapons to the front lines. So as Sri Lanka Local Guides, we decided to make 200 giants to battle the war against the evil air polluters, criminals who are guilty of creating global warming.
Celebrating 75th Independence and in memory of all the giant heroes who fought to win independence we planted 200 mee trees on the 4th of February 2023. They are still like infants. But we will take care of them, water them and protect them till they have a strong footing. Soon they will be majestic giants who will safeguard our atmosphere for centuries to come. They will fertile the soil for farmers who would feed generations to come.
Inspired by the Clean the world campaign initiated by @ErmesT and the encouragement of @KashifMisidia