75 years of Freedom

April 25th is, for my country, one of the most important day, the day of Freedom.

75 Years of freedom is what we celebrate tomorrow and, for the very first time, we will not go outside, to walk in a park, in the mountains, on the seaside, enjoying the warm temperature of the middle of springtime.

The week between April 25th and may 1st has been for me an opportunity to explore new places, and to take photo.

This year we will be at home.

April 25th is a day with a song: “Bella Ciao”, that tell the story of the fight for freedom.

This year the song is played and sung from home by numerous choirs who, as in our meet-ups, do it each from their own home.
I wanted to share a couple, the ones that in my opinion are most significant: the “Musica et Ludus” choir, and a spontaneous choir of the English Fire Brigade, sung in honor of Italy.
Thank you all for celebrating Freedom with us.
The sun rises every day


Ciao @ErmesT it is true, it is the first time that we Italians will not be free to enjoy a nice mild day around our “Bel Paese”. This thing makes me think and makes me sad at the same time … but after all it makes me hopeful for a better future, to get up stronger than before. We must never lose the optimistic spirit! We have to hold on, stay safe, friend :pray: :muscle:


Hi @ErmesT thanks for sharing this touching tribute. I loved both videos and I learned more about your country and the song “Bella Ciao” that I knew thanks to a tv serie. Stay strong, better times will come back soon.


Silvi :argentina:

My contributions


CL20 Post / Maps Connect


Hi @ErmesT ,

very true, what very strange feeling experiencing this special day without the possibility of going out of our houses.

However the videos you linked are very significant for this, staying at home but always all unite :it: .

EDIT: don’t know if you noticed but the 2nd video has embedding disabled so the play doesn’t work.


Hello dear @ErmesT

Thank you for your post!

You are quite right,this song is our solidarity for freedom.

In these difficult time we must unite,be strong,healthy and have hope for rhe best time for our countries.

The sun is shining and the life is going on.!

Mi unisco a questa solidarietà e oggi e domani voglio condividere con voi questa festa di solidarietà, libertà e indipendenza.

From Russia to Italy with Love.

We all love Italy.


@ErmesT beautiful song, with a great message … our solidarity in this commemoration so important for Italians …
As already said, the second video cannot be played …


Dear @ErmesT today we listen to the song “Felicita”,which song Italian people.

This video we have in Instagram.

We all believe in Freedom,Happiness,Independence and the Best Future for all peole.

It is link to YouTube with song “Felicita”


From Russia with Love to Italia.

I hope and believe that I can visit this sunny country Italy one day.



many thanks for sharing. I never studied in History about this side of the WW2 in Italy, just about the cooperation of Mussolini with the Axis. Thanks to your post I learned that there was a meaningful resistance movement. Wish you health and all the Italians fast remedy from the Corona crisis. Greets, Benny.


Felicitaciones por la libertad @ErmesT , esto es cuando el ejercito de EEUU, entra en Italia y los libera del Duche? O es cuando la resistencia de los partisanos Italianos logran derribar al Duche. Es una gran fecha :+1: :grinning: :clap:

Me gusto mucho el primer video :grinning: :clap:


So sad to hear that you cannot be in company to celebrate, @ErmesT .

But to see it on the bright side, when all of this Covid-19 situation is over, there is reason to celebrate another type of Freedom! :blush:

Bless Italy!


Hello @ErmesT

Indeed it is very important to celebrate freedom in this Special time.

End April / Beginning May and as well the several liberations from January on are always important days, we should remember in Europe.

Somehow Im not suprised that the Italians found the virtual chor for this. After the Lock down maybe something equal will be organized!

Stay Safe with your beloved wife and all around your beautiful country!


We are now fighting for a new kind of freedom, @Matt95Bassett

The freedom to meet a friend, the freedom to go outside, the freedom to smile and to kiss.

Like the people of the Resistance, we will resist. Our fight is made with masks and gloves, and we are fighting worldwide.

Being Local Guides we are lucky, we know how to travel and to meet friends, here and through our Meet-ups.

Stay strong for a better tomorrow

A big virtual hug


Thank you @SilvyC

Bella Ciao is the symbol of the Italian resistance, and one of the most know Italian song. A sad song, who spoke of the people of the resistance, mountains and solitude. That’s why I find the song absolutely appropriate, in this very moment. Freedom is not easy to obtain. They resisted, like we should resist now, for a new, beautiful freedom.

Ciao @SilvyC , a big hug


Thanks @LuigiZ , yes, that’s why I wanted to share that video.

I have fixed the link of the song of our British friends. Firefighters are very special people, and friends overall.

I still remember the first time I arrived in Norcia, a month after the earthquake. Firefighters were unstoppable, helping everyone, tirelessly.

Like the firefighters of New York after 9/11.

We should learn from them


You’re right @ErmesT is a sad song but very strong!


Silvi :nicaragua:



Greetings to all Italians on this great day, may this day bring renewed unity and prosperity to your people and country. Happy Independence Day #LetsGuide #LocalGuudes #TeamItaly


To stay healthy is now our battle for freedom, @helga19 , we are all together in this new, unexpected and unseen experience. Hope we will learn something about the planet. Soon for us the freedom will come. One day we will smell the freedom like now we smell the flowers, fresh air, wind. We will rediscover the beauty of the rain on our face.

For now, we fight staying safe.

A bit hug from Italy


Thank you @BennyKedem

We are all looking for a new kind of freedom, and hopefully we will be free soon.

Resistance in Italy is what we celebrate on April 25th. Common people who wanted to say NO to the oppression.

Stay safe and healthy.

Good night from Italy


Thank you so much @Robert24 .

Thank you for letting me know about the video. I have fixed the issue, do it is now available.

Have a great day


This post of yours is very heart touching @ErmesT

It is unfortunate that you cannot go outside to celebrate the ‘Day of Freedom’ due to the current condition.

I wish we will soon overcome these trying times and be able to leave our homes. That would be a freedom in its own way.