6,290 answers lost like tears in the rain

On February 29th, my counter showed 46,783 answers. The next day, it was 40,493. More than 6,000 had disappeared into the silent walls of Google’s AI, or that mysterious “black box” that oversees our contributions

I don’t expect any explanation, nor do I care, since I know the “rules of the game” of being a Local Guide. Besides, my valuable contributions remain: reviews, photos, and, to a lesser extent, edits.

Answers, I believe, only feed the AI for commercial purposes, with poor results so far. In my case, when I have consulted Google to find out where I can buy some of the products I have been asked about, their answers have been very poor.

But despite my apparent coldness, I admit that the lack of information about the cause of these changes, although I understand it rationally, affects me emotionally.

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Hi @Joan_claveria

You are not alone.

I lost about 1000 answers also as seen below.

We don’t know if this is a bug, but I think it is.




Many thanks @MortenCopenhagen

It certainly comforts me to think that I’m not the only one

And even more so when it also happens to an LG with your reputation.

Kind regards




Thanks for your kind words.

Always happy to help.

I have asked the LG Team to also take a look at your profile.




Hello @Joan_claveria ,

Same thing happened to me a few days ago. About 1200-1500 answers were gone and the day after, they were back.

Thank you @MortenCopenhagen for handling this situation.


Thanks a lot @Lukas_1 for your words and to @MortenCopenhagen for raising the issue with the LG team at Google.

I don’t really mind this “loss” of responses because I don’t think it affects the experience of Google Maps users, it just affects my ego. :roll_eyes:

I do admit that I find the silence with which Google carries out these actions a bit irritating, but as I’ve said, those are the “rules of the game”.




@Joan_claveria There are lots and variety of contributions gone missing. By the way I understand issue with contributions but how do they make views lesser and zero view count on new contributions ? I don’t get it. We are in 3rd week since the issue started I guess. :fearful:

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They are back! :sunglasses:

The answer counter has returned to its initial number. :smiley:

Lesson learned: “Keep calm and Carry On

Many thanks again to @MortenCopenhagen and @Lukas_1 for their generous help.

I include @Trail_blazer so that you know that, at least in my case, the problem has been solved within 48 hours.


Wonderful, @Joan_claveria

Thanks for reporting.


Update: I just checked and my answers are also back to normal.

@DeniGu I think you will like reading this!


@Joan_claveria Issue has been here since long I don’t know if you noticed it just 2 days ago. I see no changes so far problem stays as is and I have checked others profile and they have null views since last 2 weeks or more. Even @MortenCopenhagen your views count remain zero on recent photos. I have no idea if I have lost contributions like you but my views issue remains as is :fearful:



If you read the thread this is not about views but lost points due to fewer answers than last month.



@MortenCopenhagen yes indeed, I updated the monthly data 2 days ago I didn’t notice any drop in my contributions however the view count on my top photo notoriously went down by 10k instead of average monthly jump of 150k. My general perception after reading various post related to this problem was that it must be a common bug that’s causing it. Photos and Reviews are vetted regularly and we are pretty much used to their lost count and them being hidden. But zero view count on every photo new photo and almost no progress in views is something I never heard of. When your answer stuff was restored I felt mine would be resolved too but alas it’s not :expressionless:


Here is proof that my answers havd returned.

Maybe with a bit of “interest”.



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Hello @MortenCopenhagen

On Feb, 29 I had 20,073 which dropped to 14,341 on March 1. Since I did respond to some questions, it is now 14,540 but the loss of 6,422 was not recovered. Could you please escalate that too?

Thanks a lot in advance and greetings from Firenze :blush:

I will add the permalink to your reply to where this is discussed.

