50th Meetup (virtual) of West Bengal Local Guides & Connect's 5th Birthday celebration

Pic- Banner of 50th meetup

Hello, Local Guides!

Hope all are fine and celebrating connect’s 5th birthday. West Bengal Local Guides (WBLG)'s 50th meetup is going to be held on 24th July. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the meetup will be virtual. It will also be a celebration of Local Guides Connect’s 5th birthday. Discussion about quality contribution on maps and introduction to local guides connect will also be shared with the new local guides.

WBLG meetup no- 50

Date- 24th July, 2021

Time- 6:30 pm-7:30 pm

Language- Bengali

Meetup link- https://meet.google.com/ufn-isay-hgt


  • What is quality contribution on Google Maps?
  • About WBLG
  • How the local guides can help local business
  • Q & A session on maps and connect

What do you need to join?- Desktop or Smartphone with stable internet connection and google meet app.

Click here for RSVP.

Mark your calendar now to join us!

This meet-up is a part of Call for meet-up to Celebrate 5th Birthday of Connect a Campaign by @Kashifmisidia and @AdrianLunsong.

Stay safe and happy.




Wow great, wishing all my LG friend happy birthday connect. It’s possible because this platform.

All the best for you meet up. I try my best to join u.


Hi @PritishB !

Congratulations for reaching the big number of 50 meet-ups!!

I wish you a good meeting and hope you all enjoy it a lot!



আশা করি এই পঞ্চাশ তম মিট-আপ এ যুক্ত থাকতে পারবো । অনেক অনেক ধন্যবাদ @PritishB দাদা, এই মিট-আপ আয়োজন করার জন্য ।


Hello @Cecilita Thank you so much for your inspiring comment and support.

Stay safe and happy.


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Wishing all the best for this 5th-anniversary meetup @PritishB , @KalyanPal


Best wishes for WB Local Guides community’s 50th meetup @PritishB


Wishing all the WBLG local guides for the 50th meetup and thank you @PritishB for organizing the virtual meetup.

All the best.


All the best for the meet-up @PritishB ! Looking forward to the celebrations !


Thank you @RosyKohli mam for your support as always.

Stay safe and happy.


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Thank you @TusharSuradkar for your super support as always.



@KalyanPal আশা করছি সবার সাথে দেখা হবে সেদিন। ভালো থাকবেন দাদা। খুব শীঘ্রই বেলঘড়িয়া চত্বরে দেখা হওয়ার অপেক্ষায় আছি।


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Looking forward to this exciting landmark for our dear West Bengal Local Guides community!

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Sure @ReshamDas dada.

Just keep going.


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Thank you @NareshDarji @Globe_trotter_Ish @TravelerProdipta for your love, support and inspiring comment.

Stay safe and stay happy.


@PritishB I hope to join 50th meet-up of WBLG. I just hope that I don’t forget it. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Congratulations to the West Bengal Local Guides community for hosting their 50th Meet-up!!! Fantastic work and a huge pat on the back to all the community members especially the hosts! Well done @PritishB and send my regards to all!! :tada: :tada: :tada:

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