Now is the time for us to think-out-of-the box in our reviews. I appreciate all the photogenic, high profile attractions guides share in reviews. But what about the local banks, auto repair shops, opticians, pet stores, hardware stores, plumbers, office supplies and other essential businesses that are open and struggling? Local Guides can share their communication and photography skills to support these vital community hubs. Here are 5 tips to get us started:
1) Scan your area review map, and pick 5 local essential business or service companies that you haven’t reviewed. Describe your experience and include an exterior photo if you can do it safely. I’ve found that exterior shots with the parking lot can attract many views, and can become the photo icon for a business.
2) List and review 5 or more local community, arts, or social service organizations. I’ve discovered that these organizations tend to get fewer reviews on Google. Your personal insights can be a big help in boosting awareness and support for the organization. I did this for ArtSphere and other neighborhood organizations in Philadelphia.
3) Pick 5 local restaurants you reviewed and update their information. Check how they’re handling ordering, delivery, and their hours and edit your review to provide current information. Help your delivered food look its best in the photo. Style the food shot using your favorite dishes and tableware.
4) Give shout-outs to your local grocery stores and pharmacies. If you haven’t reviewed these businesses in your area, now is the time. If you have, check and update your reviews.
5) Find some local niche small businesses or artists doing online/delivery only sales. I’m working on doing more of these reviews. I’ve made new retail friends with a local bookstore, ice cream shop and artists.
Thank you for your reply and moving My post to concern .
I have gone through your tips and highly appreciated your efforts to bring business services like auto repair, icecream etc.This type of efforts are very helpful to service seekers and service provider too.
During COVID-19 there is lockdown all over the world. I can support many small business like diary, grocery and vegie shop, flour mill because these services are backbone for all people that is why government issued pass to work during COVID-19.
During lockdown I can’t do much coz as all cities and towns even villages are sealed by local people due to fear of corona. There is only a small grocery shop where we buy stuff.So I support it by my review and photo.
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You may also see this post from the Head of Local Guides, where you may connect with other Local Guides discussing the same topic.
Awesome tips @barbhmphilly . You have shared good tips, it will be very helpful while we are currently facing a lockdown due to the covid-19 epidemic. And I will definitely use some tips given by you.