5 reasons why I like sharing on google maps

Travelling is what makes me really happy and every time I travel I use google maps to help me find the right way and the best places to visit. The places you visit can make your journey magical or turn it in a nightmare. This is why I share on google maps and answer all the questions about every new place I have been. It this way I want to give more information to other people about the accessibility and the services that offers one place. Why I like doing this:

  1. I want to help. I know that when I take a few minutes to answer the questions this can be very useful to other people when they get decisions in which hotel to stay or where to have a dinner.
  2. I feel that my opinion is important for someone.
  3. It’s easy and simple. When you write a review in a free text it will take more time and you can miss some important information that others want to know. But when you answer the questions you will tell everything that people usually want to know about one place and it is really quick and easy way to share.
  4. The reviews in google maps are the most realistic ones. I know that even if I have had a bad experience and I share about it the owner of the place can’t delete it.
  5. Sharing on google maps is like a game. I like the feeling when I see I go to the next level and it’s like a reward for your contribution and your time.