44M Views of My Contributions

Nice to see that my contributions on Google Maps reached 44M views till now.

Lets contribute more and make Google Maps helpful to everybody.


Congratulations for 44 millions views

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We don’t get points for views but as Local Guides it’s an awesome feeling when we see that our photos are being viewed by so many people so well done and congratulations on your 44 MILLION photo views achievement @AbdullahAM .


Yes, indeed it’s a awesome feeling our us as a Local Guides. It will encourage us to contribute more on Google maps @AdamGT


Congratulations on the achievement @AbdullahAM

Those are impressive numbers :+1:

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Congratulations @AbdullahAM

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Thank you so much for your lovely appreciation @TusharSuradkar

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Thank you so much for your comment @NareshDarji

Congratulations @AbdullahAM :tada: :clap:

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Congrats for 44M!! :tada:

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Thank you so much @ShahriarAzadEvan

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Thank you for your comment @Alifaith

Thank you so much for your comment @Iamsayakdas