Hello guys, so one thing that i have loved most is -photography. Its one thing that helps you create and store those precious memories that you love most. Photography ain’t that complicated as most people think. Anyone can shoot, all you need is a good camera and a subject. Am sure most local guides now are photographers he he. so this one time i came across 360 camera and the wonders it does, it just blew my brains away. In fact i had to get one despite the circumstances i was in. cut the long story short i now own one and it’s what i shoot everyday adding photos to maps. Everyone i meet instantly they become fascinated with it and am always happy ton share my knowledge with them. As my fascination is growing the more i get to know what i didn’t know and the exciting part is sharing that knowledge. one big lesson i have learnt is never to be shy to ask if you don’t understand. As my future is still unfolding i can’t wait to meet what’s ahead. cheers!