360° Photos

360 Photos uploaded by me on google business pages are not going live


i have tried to add 360 photos on others pages too, but not going live even after showing approved status

Hi @Ranveersingh and welcome to Connect!

When did you upload the photos? Keep in my mind that sometimes it takes time to be uploaded.

Are you using Google Maps Desktop or the application?

I m directly posting them from my phone and system over the google pages.

With the help of which you took photos, for example mobile,camera

@Ranveersingh , a tip for next time: please tag me with the @ sign every time you want someone to see you respond (as I did with your name at the beginning of the post).

I’m afraid that I didn’t understand what do mean by Google pages. I guess you used the Street View application. Everything you need to know about it, can be read here - View photos with the Street View app. If you still have problems and you haven’t found your answer could you please send me a screenshot, so I can better understand what do you mean?