360 photo air

Підкажіть будь ласка як з’єднати в 360 турі фотографії на різних поверхах / рівнях?

Щоб була кнопка яка переключає. Наприалад: є 3 кнопки : 1, 2, air ( up ). 1 кнопка - перший поверх; 2 - другий поверх; air - панорама з дрону.

Що потрібно зробити щоб вони з’явились?

Please tell me how to combine photos on different floors / levels in 360 rounds?

That there was a button that switches. For example: there are 3 buttons: 1, 2, air ( up ). 1 button - the first floor; 2 - the second floor; air ( Up) - drone panorama.

What needs to be done for them to appear?


Hi @Sasha200501

I think your post would be better and would get a much better response if it were placed under the How-tos topic of Connect rather than here in Photography. You can change the topic of your post yourself and as shown in How to change the Topic of your post it’s simple to do.