360 degree photography

this photo clicked by me for google map in dhanbad jharkhand ( hey i m prince Kumar from bihar,india)for best suggestions please reply me for this post and suggest me

i like development to google but i think id card need for local guide


Hi @princejee6785 welcome to Local Guides connect.

Which photo is clicked by you for Google maps? Can you share with us.

Since you’re new here, you may not be aware of this forum, but Connect is a place where local guides usually discuss Travel, Photography, Food and Drinks, and many other topics.

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Happy to help.

Hi @princejee6785

You cannot upload 360 photos in Connect, but of course you can share the links with us, as suggested by @NareshDarji

I suppose you are talking about these two photos:

Generally speaking I would like to say that the quality is no bad. Which device are you using? There is some stitching error in the azimuth, but this is not an issue.

The real issue is that you uploaded the photos several time, in different Locations. This is one of the best way to be removed from the program. Please check the Community policy :

  • “… Users who duplicate photos across locations, … will … be removed.”

I suggest you to remove as quick as you can all the duplicate or very similar photos, to avoid sanctions from Google Maps

Regarding an ID card, your profile is in the Google maps, the official App from Google. The best way to demonstrate your status of local Guide

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Hi @princejee6785

Photos on Google Maps must comply with the Local Guides program rules, Local Guides community policy, and Maps user contributed content policy and as indicated by @ErmesT , uploading duplicate or near duplicate photos in different Locations is in violation of these policies and may lead to your removal from the Local Guides program. In this regard, I strongly recommend that you take a closer look at your photo contributions on Google Maps.

Regarding your wish to have an Identification Card, please note that this has been asked for and suggested before and answered in this post Google Local Guides ID Card. I suggest that you might like to read the discussion and answers provided in that article. There is also another alternative for the ID card, see my idea about ID cards in our Idea Exchange.

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