Hello local guides!!! I hope are you doing great today.
On AUG 18, 2019 we have hosted a unique type of meet-up in our Upazilla. I know I am a bit late writing this recap today but it’s good to be late than never. We called this meet-up Photo & Geo Bike! Because on that day we traversed the Charbhadrasan Upazilla’s major roads on bikes. I guess this is the first of its kind meet-up. We traveled about 35 km road of our Upazilla on that day. Let’s read the recap to learn how the meet-up went.
It was a good sunny day. As planned we met at the Moulovirchar High School field at around 2:30 pm. First, we got introduced to each other and discussed our plan about what we would be doing on the day. Then we took a selfie before starting the ride. After that, we started the ride.
First, we stopped at primary school which was at the bank of a river. We took some photos of the school and edited the maps listing. After that, we saw a dragon fruit field and we went there to see the dragon trees. Because including me many of the attendees have never seen a dragon fruit tree. We took photos and the owner also gave us fruit to taste. Many attendees tasted the fruit for the first time.
We continued our ride and stopped at many locations to take photos of schools, mosques, and stores. Specially we have added and uploaded photos of many schools on that day.
We stopped at this newly built beautiful mosque. Usually, we do not see this kind of modern architectural building in our country at least not in a rural area. Everybody enjoyed visiting this mosque.
After a while, like all other local guides, we got hungry too. ? Do local guides got hungry fast or it’s an excuse to try a new food or restaurant? ? So we stopped at a local bazaar and found a typical fast-food restaurant. There we ate lots of Samosa and drank cold drinks. After the snacks party, we started riding again.
In this meet-up we added, edited and uploaded photos to locations that lack good photos. We had noticed that being present at the place and attaching photos while adding a new place is accepted instantly by Maps.
At around 6:30 pm we came to the place where we started. We discussed what we have done today and everybody was very happy. I thanked all and invited them in advance for the next meet-up.
It was a great day. I went to so many places where I had never been to and rode a bike on new roads where I had never ridden. I love the local guides of my area because they are passionate, eager to learn and explore new places. I hope to meet them again in the next meet-up.
For more photos check out this photos album.
Here is the short video of the meet-up. Still learning how to take good videos and process them.
Thank you!
Thank you so much for reading the recap. Do you like the meet-up idea of traveling on bikes and exploring your city? Let us know in the comment box.
Have you hosted a meet-up recently*?* If yes, please share the link in the comment so I can read and learn from you. If you have not hosted a meet-up yet, host one soon and I bet you will love it. And don’t worry if there is a very low number of attendees or none at all. For motivation, I suggest you read this post by @PaulPavlinovich which was my motivation for hosting my first meet-ups.
And if you are a local guide who has never joined a meet-up then please read why you should attend local guides meet-ups. To know when a meet-up is being hosted in your area keep an eye on this a meet-up page. Also, you can join the Bangladesh Local Guides facebook group to get updates on the next meet-up hosted by BDLG.
Have a great time. Keep guiding.