3 Unique Culinary in Bojonegoro City


3 Unique Cullinary in Bojonegoro City

Bojonegoro Regency is a Regenvy in East Java, Indonesia. about 110 km west of Surabaya City. It is located in the inland part of northern Java plain, on the banks of the Solo river (“Bengawan Solo” in Indonesia), the longest river in Java.

Actually i make this video, to show you about more unique culinary in Indonesia.

  1. Chopsticks Noodle (Bakmi Sumpit)

this is my favourite noodle in Bojonegoro. you can find this at Rajawali street 59, Bojonegoro, East Java.

  1. Durian’s Home (Omah Duren)

So many menu made by durian fruit. about Durian Teler Ice, Durian Juice, Durian Pancake, Durian Creep, also anything menu made by durian. you can find this at Teuku Umar street 68, Bojonegoro, East Java.

  1. Seventy seven Noodle and Meatball (Bakso & Mie ayam pita pitu e)

I think this is the best of all cullinary in Bojonegoro have a unique one. this have many menu about noodle and meatball. you can mix your meatball or your noodle with seafood (Crab, Baby Crab, shell and scallop). You can find this at Jaksa Agung Suprapto street 20, Bojonegoro, East Java.

Please give some comment or sugestion.

I Love Indonesia, I Love Traveling and I Love Culinary.

Warm Regard

Sandi Backpackerz.