Sharing a small part of my journey with you all. On 15th August 2024, I reached 1 million views, and today, it’s 3 million!
From traveling through 7 cities in India to changing homes, it’s been a journey of growth and learning.
To everyone who read, reacted, or connected with my reviews—you’ve made this possible. Thank you for noticing someone who once felt invisible. This is just the beginning!
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Congratulations @SharmaJii on getting 3 million views on your photos . It would be good if you upload the photo of 1 million views than to take a screenshot from WhatsApp!
Congratulations @SharmaJii keep contributing
Congratulations @SharmaJii Kindly post the photo of 1 million views rather than that of WhatsApp. Keep growing
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Thanks for your input @Rahul001 , though i can share my 1 million along with date, thats the reason i chose whatsapp screenshot instead of the regular screenshot. But i’ll keep these things in Mind.
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