3.9M view contribution so Far... there's long way to go

3.9M Viewers And More to go… My first Time posted on here, i was so :new: . Thank you for all of you :two_hearts:


Great dude

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Thanks :pray:t3:

When we think that every single view has helped someone, that’s a fantastic achievement @Izzyscape . You are indeed a Top photographer on Google Maps!

As you are fairly new to the Connect Community and in case you haven’t already done so, to help you quickly get your feet on the ground here and to make your experience even better, I recommend that you check out Your guide to Connect. Also, should you need any help you can always refer to our Help Desk. Other great articles to read include How do I write a post on Connect and How do I follow the original content guidelines on Connect. Finally, I recommend that you introduce yourself and get to know other Local Guides in the Community via the Community monthly Introduce Yourself post.

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Thank you so much… Appreciate it :pray:t2:

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It’s ok so how are you

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