The 2nd Lagos Local Guides and Street Walk will be held on Saturday, 29 October 2016 at the famous HubDeli, Adeola Odeku, Victoria Island, Lagos.
This event will feature a challenge and the winner will be announced on our next meetup. It’s time to show what we are made of. To participate, please share just a screengrab of your current Local Guides level and start improving the Eko (Lagos) maps.
As you may be aware, our own city, Eko has a huge gigantic room for improvement on Google Maps, lots of duplicates, places on the roads, etc. In this community, we intend to build a network of people who understands why and how easy it is for anyone to contribute and the benefits they are able to get out of their contributions.
Apart from the 100GB free Google Drive storage, the Local Guides programme provides lots of other benefits.
It would be great to see how many of us would commit at least 30 minutes each day till the meetup date, to improve Eko on the Google Map, thereby, taking advantage of this opportunity to participate in this meetup challenge.
This will help push us up in the October 2016 LG challenge. Although, most of us have lagged behind this month and as you all know, a chain is as strong as it’s weakest point. Be that as it may, I believe with little stitches in time, we could save the 9th spot for ourselves in the challenge.
Please share your thoughts, ideas, contacts to join the conversation on WhatsApp.