2d photos vs 360 panorama vs virtual tour

Been a google guide for about 3 years and as a professional photographer I have always wanted to make my photos for the maps more artistic or worthy because it’s my profession. I have however discovered that I have had more views on pictures that were taken with my phone that with a professional camera.

Even though I liked the fact that I had hit as much as 5million views 2.2million came from a few 360 panoramic shots most of which were done with the Iris 360 so I thought to myself that the demand for 360 photos where very high. It has been interesting seeing my views grow from photos taken from my mobile phone however-more than the view I wanted perfection and excellence, the Iris 360 gave me a fair quality for its price I was sad I had invested in it just for this so I changed to a Matterport Camera, it’s more about the excellence making my work different. I feel I have graduated to virtual tours, I’m looking to scanning hangout spots and giving the best virtual experience to users of Google maps and Street view, not very sure of what the response will be but I already almost feel satisfied


I just got an Insta360 One X and plan to "shoot 360 video now, decide what to post later. Phones are just so adept at showing 360 content, no wonder its popular.

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Sincerely it completely skipped my mind that I could take 360 shots with my phone the last time I tried that was 3years ago with the iPhone 6, it was fair will try that with my XS that will be easier than carrying a Matterport camera, will try it out today, wouldn’t love to spend any other penny on any small 360 device since I got my phone already. Thanks for that reminder.

Phones are great, but are not the best for capturing action in 360 shots. It’s a question of convenience versus quality, with the stitching being much more reliable for the dedicated devices. But, the end result is the same, of course you create the image using the tool that’s most convenient and that you own.

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