1000+ Contributions

Today I’ve completed my 1000+ contributions to Google Maps. Hope to keep the performance up in this new year.

Warm Regards



Congratulations @AdityaSharma0608

Keep Contributing…

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Thank you @NareshDarji

Hope our contributions will help other people make a wise decision.

Kind Regards

well done !! Congratulation for your achievement @AdityaSharma0608

Keep Contributing

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Congratulations on the achievement @AdityaSharma0608

This is impressive :+1:

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Well done @AdityaSharma0608 . 1000+ contributions to Google Maps is indeed very impressive.

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Thank you @TusharSuradkar for appreciating me. Your appreciation will be a motivating factor for me to contribute more.


Thanks a lot @AbdullahAM . Sure I’ll keep contributing more to help others.

Thank you so much @AdamGT for the wishes. Helping others by contributing to Google Maps is indeed a good and interesting tasks.

Kind Regards

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Congratulations @AdityaSharma0608

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Yes @AmbrishVarshney very well said. A Leader is one who develop other a leader.

And thanks for the wishes!