10 Million views in contributions

im so happy for this achievement that made my day, and happy to be contributing more and more

thank you


Namaste :pray: @Ghali

Welcome to Local Guides Connect.

That’s great to see you in Connect Family :smile:

I let you Know that Ongoing Post : Introduce Yourself - May 2024. (Click on the Link)

Here you can follow the five prompts below and share your introduction In this thread including your photo (in landscape mode).



3.What I love about being a Local Guide:

4.My favorite thing to explore:

5.Fun Fact about me:

A landscape photo of you with a brief description we can use to write a caption.

I also wanted to recommend to you, check Your Guide to Connect for more information on what topics are discussed here,


how to choose topics for your posts , and many more

great tips.

Please type @ before username to mention/tag me so I can reply you as soon as possible
Thank you so much
Ravi, patna bihar