Just today I received notice that I have received over 1 Billion Views through GoogleMaps
I have worked hard to present materials of general interest for a wide variety of viewers.
Images of the outside of buildings ended up being the big drawers with the most views going to them.
The most effective items, however, that is, those most commented on, were smaller items taken from everyday life. These could be as varied as a floral arrangement at ‘Flowers in the Mitten’ in the City of Wayne : https://maps.app.goo.gl/Aqg7jaMx4P7LC1xHA or simple images of canned goods at local grocery stores.
The smaller images featured some of the skills I learned when I first started taking photos of businesses. These skills include proper centering, image clarity, image uniqueness and other qualities.
These images are not only view locally. They are view all around the world.
Along with using them to introduce businesses locally to customers these images have successfully been used in broadening the market for many of the businesses I have worked with across the region, the State, Country and around the world.
Combined with easy instructions on how to get from here to there GoogleMaps offers the traveller and customer the opportunity to be able to quickly recognize their destination when they go there. They can easily gauge whether or not they want to visit in the first place.
For smaller and new businesses the opportunity to present their goods and services in a way that allows them direct competition with larger or more established rivals is exciting.
Providing information about accessibility or the current state of a location regarding cleanliness, safety and other measures not addressed by advertising and marketing is also important. This is a very important aspect of the work that I have done as the current state of public parks, events and other activities can be made clear. They can be presented as welcoming or with cautionary tales.