1.3 Contribution Billion Views

Getting Closer to that 1 Billion photo views

Update on my viewing contributions 1.3 Billion

And getting closer to the 1 Billion photo views


Hello @DshottDennis

I just released your post from spam quarantine. Our filter is working to protect the community and you from unwanted content, but sometimes it’s too sensitive.

Moderators are patrolling the quarantine to release the good post so, if your post has been rejected, don’t post it again. Instead, reach out to a moderator for help.

For more information, please read: Why was my Connect post marked as spam?

Congratulations on your great achievements.

Happy guiding




Thanks for doing that

Its good to know that these instances do happen

Thank you


Many congratulations @DshottDennis on such a huge achievement.

May you soon touch the 1B Photo views.

Keep building informed community stronger :muscle: together.



@DshottDennis my friend,

Fantastic efforts on your part during the month of May to push map contributions. You will cross the 1b views line shortly and join the exclusive list next month.

Keep spending time outdoors and set yourself next goals to keep motivated.


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Thank you my brother all the best with your journey


My brother thank you

Your encouragement has sincerely kept me moving

I have that fight to press forward to get out of my house

and contribute .

I’m slowly making those recovery small steps to a better life .

All the best always with your Google guiding journey :heart:

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Congratulations :confetti_ball: :clap:t3:

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Congratulation @DshottDennis

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Congratulation on joining the exclusive 1b views club!

Well done mate!


@abermans Thanks brother couldn’t of done it without your strong encouragement :heart:

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Thank you much appreciated

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Thank you kindly


Thank you for your support

and now have reached the billion views

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Wow many congratulations @DshottDennis for touching billion views of your photos.

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Awesome :sunglasses: @DshottDennis

Congrats on your 1B Total Views and now your 1B photo views!

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Wooow… great work indeed @DshottDennis ! Congratulations and I bet you will soon be joining this wonderful 1B club!

I miss you on my last trip to Auckland! I had a seminar and got a quick meet-up with dear @OliverKIWI . Hope next time we’ll get a chance to meet :pray: . Cheers from windy Welly

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@Mikeinthefalls Thanks as always brother

@indahnuria Thank you

Hope you are all good in windy welly

Yes hopefully catch up and hopefully better weather :grinning:


Congratulations on your outstanding achievement. :bouquet: :bouquet: wishing you all the best :+1:

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